Our recent publication “Picosecond infrared laser driven sample delivery for simultaneous liquid-phase and gas-phase electron diffraction studies” was selected as a featured article in Structural Dynamics

Our recent publication was selected as a featured article

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We successfully coupled a laser-driven molecular beam with a table-top femtosecond electron gun and a pulsed bright-field optical microscope to image laser produced gas-phase and liquid-phase samples by pulsed electrons and photons.

With varying the ablation laser fluence or the time delay, we can deliver either gas-phase or liquid-phase samples to the electron/light pulse interaction point. Our methodology provides time separable nanoscale liquid phase and gas-phase sample delivery under identical conditions to enable atomic imaging using electron sources and determination of solvation effects and is promising to extend to large biomolecules under either isolated gas-phase or solvated environment.

There is the pdf link of the publication (https://aca.scitation.org/doi/pdf/10.1063/4.0000159 ). It was selected as a featured article by the editors.

Zhipeng Huang
Zhipeng Huang
Senior Research Associate

My research interests include ultrafast electron/X-ray diffraction, ultrafast spectroscopies, non-linear optics, (ultrafast) chemical and physical dynamics at surface or interface, etc.